Horizon Europe program for research and innovation will be implemented between the years 2021-2027 and will award research and innovation grants to eligible companies.

  • Horizon Europe is a funding program that awards grants for research and innovation. The program’s total budget is 95.5€ Billion, as part of the long-term EU budget for 2021-2027 (1.21€ Trillion).
  • Horizon Europe’s fundamental focus is on topics that pose a challenge on a global scale. Examples include climate change, cancer research, cleanliness of seas and oceans, and topics relating to circular economy and sustainable development.
  • The program simplifies collaboration within the EU and with the program’s Associated Countries in order to create a cooperative environment for the circulation of knowledge and technologies. By doing so, the program encourages growth and healthy competition within the EU’s Member States, and the programme’s Associated Countries.

Strategic Planning and Programme Structure

Horizon Europe mission areas

There are 5 mission areas in total, all with an aim to tackle areas that challenge our world today. The missions operate under a few actions such as research projects, policy measures and legislative initiatives – thus aiming to reach actual goals that are otherwise unreachable on the individual level. These missions are:

a) Cancer
b) Adaptation to climate change
c) Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
d) Climate-neutral and smart cities
e) Soil health and food.

Work programmes under Horizon Europe

There are several work programs that set out the funding opportunities under Horizon Europe. The work programs are divided into pillars:

  1. Pillar I: Excellent Science
  2. Pillar II: Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness
  3. Pillar III: Innovative Europe (European innovation ecosystems)
  4. Horizontal Pillar: Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area (ERA).

Horizon Europe Program partnerships

Partnerships within the EU are supported and encouraged by Horizon Europe. These are usually between national authorities and/or the private sector.

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